Good Standing Certificate Services Online

Obtain a good standing certificate for your company online now by completing our Confidential and Secure Order Form. Also known as a Certificate of Status or Certificate of Existence, this document verifies the existence of your entity, confirms that you're authorized to do business, and provides proof that you are active and in good standing. This order form should take you less than 5 minutes to complete. Do not press the ENTER or RETURN keys on your keyboard until you have completed this online order form and are ready to submit your order.

Entity Name
Entity Name: 

We obtain good standing certificates or the equivalent in all U.S. states. In some states these certificates can be obtained the same day requested.


In jurisdictions that provide an option the default selection will be to obtain a short form good standing certificate, or the equivalent, and to obtain an electronic good standing certificate, which is a statutorily recognized and valid form of proof of standing. If your needs dictate otherwise please leave us a note in the feedback section below.

 Alabama  Hawaii  Michigan  North Carolina  Texas
 Alaska  Idaho  Minnesota  North Dakota  Utah
 Arizona  Illinois  Mississippi  Ohio  Vermont
 Arkansas  Indiana  Missouri  Oklahoma  Virginia
 California  Iowa  Montana  Oregon  Washington
 Colorado  Kansas  Nebraska  Pennsylvania  West Virginia
 Connecticut  Kentucky  Nevada  Puerto Rico  Wisconsin
 Delaware  Louisiana  New Hampshire  Rhode Island  Wyoming
 District of Columbia  Maine  New Jersey  South Carolina
 Florida  Maryland  New Mexico  South Dakota
 Georgia  Massachusetts  New York  Tennessee  

Shipping and Handling to Client
Email with PDF Copy 
Email with PDF Copy and Priority Mail Letter 
Total $0 

Entity Detail

Billing Address
New Client    Existing Client 
Shipping Address
Shipping Address Same as Billing Address
First Name: 
Last Name: 
State:  Zip: 
Payment By:  Secure Server Guarantee 
Account Number: 
Security Code: 
Billing Zip Code: 
Cardholder Name: 

We want some feedback! Please rate the quality of our service, the quality of our web site and the quality of this order form. How can we improve this service for others?

Thank you for choosing Corporate Creations! 

* Our pricing does not include requirements and fees for annual reports, publication of newspaper notices, tax returns, licenses for your business, registrations for your business or any other post-incorporation matters except as specifically described above. You are solely responsible for complying with post-incorporation matters. The Regular Disbursement amount includes state fees, correspondent fees and shipping and handling in connection with getting signatures, filing documents and retrieving documents. Pricing is per unit. For Nevada entities, you are responsible for filing the Initial List of Managers and for paying the state fee that is due within 60 days after your entity is formed. For Arizona, Nebraska, New York, and Pennsylvania entities, our pricing does not include the fee to publish a newspaper notice in the county where the business is located.